I'm honored that my essay on the legendary Hassidic rabbi, Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, and his relationship to the writing of fiction, is featured alongside cyberpunk legend Rudy Rucker in the second issue of sci-fi mag Pravic. Don't get it twisted: Pravic is not some low-budget Asimov knockoff for fan boys. It is a punk, analytical assault on the genre, put together by some smart men who are disciples of Phillip K. Dick. Check out their manifesto.
The mag is on its third issue now. They have already been getting mad props, including from taste makers Boing Boing. Run cop that shit.
By the way, a recent piece from Pravic co-editor Nathaniel K. Miller (whom I have known since he was a musician and visual artist named Jacen Kemp) can be found on Keep This Bag Away From Children.