Brooklyn Zine Fest

I am hyped for the Brooklyn Zine Fest, which will be held this Saturday and Sunday at the Brooklyn Historical Society. This year, there will be completely different tablers on Saturday and Sunday.  I think this is a good call, considering how mobbed the event was last year. If you are at the fest on Saturday, come say hi to me at the Keep This Bag Away From Children table. Austin Givens and I spent yesterday afternoon preparing. CAM00087

I am also extremely excited to say that I picked up my copies of Punk in NYC's Lower East Side 1981-1991 from the post office today, just in time for Zine Fest. You can order them from Microcosm, but if you are in Brooklyn tomorrow, come pick one up directly from me.




O gods of my youth!

I am mad excited to announce that a project I have been working on for a long time will be released in the near future by Microcosm Publishing. The title is Punk in NYC’s Lower East Side 1981-1991 . Microcosm is releasing it as the first installment in a series of zines about the history of punk scenes in different cities.The context makes sense; it is definitely a music fanzine. Specifically, it's a giant Reagan Youth fanzine. At the same time, it's a monograph about anarchism and inherited holocaust trauma. It's also an oral history about the Tompkins Square Riots, and a bunch of other things. Depending who I'm talking to, I call it a zine or a monograph. Like Townes said, "It's funny, about words." The cover will have some beautiful photos that a woman named Amie Hertzig took of the legendary Dave Insurgent. Basically, when the project comes out, you should buy it, and then you'll know what it is. You might learn something too. DI street scene

Other things I want to show you:

In addition to this nonfiction work, I have been writing a lot of poetry in the past year that is more personal, or more confessional, than a lot of the poetry I've published. I'm not sure how I feel about this. It might be time to go back to writing poems about historical mining techniques. For now, though, I have some recent poems on Shabby Doll House and Watershed Review.

A former student of mine, Hia Chakraborty, wrote a rad novel called Aurora's Ashes. I don't care what anyone says, teenagers are smarter now than they used to be.

I think this might still be  the finest short story I have ever read: My First Fee by Isaac Babel.